Kids Beats Live Launch!

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the new Kids Beats website (in BETA testing stage). This our brand-new online learning platform designed especially for young music enthusiasts like you. It marks the exciting beginning of a journey to refine our platform, making it the ultimate hub for your musical education.

During this BETA testing phase, we’ll be working diligently to squash any bugs, enhance user-friendliness, and fine-tune all the social interaction features on the site. Your feedback will be invaluable in shaping Kids Beats into the best it can be.

This testing phase will run for a couple of months while we continuously improve the site. All students enrolled in the Kids Beats education program will be seamlessly integrated into the platform, ready to embark on their musical journey with a dedicate school group that will allow these classes to work together and help motivate each other.

We can’t wait to hear your thoughts and experiences as you explore Kids Beats. Together, let’s create an inspiring and engaging space for young drummers and percussionists to hone their skills and connect with fellow musicians.

A link to the bug reporting / feedback tool is available at the top of every page for you to share any issues or ideas you may have.

Thanks for being part of this important development in the world of Kids Beats and stay tuned for more updates.

Let’s drum up some excitement for Kids Beats!


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What do I need to start lessons?

We don’t require our students to have a drum kit in their homes.  At a minimum, we do recommend that each drum student has a pair of Sticks and possibly a bucket and/or a practice pad that they can practise on at home. 

A practice pad allows the student to play loud without annoying the rest of the house . When they play on the bucket it will be loud!.

Lesson Terms and Conditions

Our terms aim to be as fair as possible to the student and Kids’ Beats, ensuring there is fair opportunity to catch up on a missed lesson.


Any questions or concerns regarding lessons, absence notifications or the like must come through [email protected]. Any other communication verbal, through your tutor, or otherwise will not be counted as there is not a guarantee it will reach us. You can also reach Chris on their mobiles in the email signature, but this would be a last resort if email isn’t an option.

General Absences:

  • If you cannot make your lesson, then notice of 24hrs is required. Kids’ Beats must be notified of this absence through [email protected] or the lesson will be forfeit.
  • Appropriate notice will entitle each student to ONE catchup lesson per term.
  • These catch ups are organised at Kids’ Beats discretion and may not always be with your original tutor.
  • The catchup lessons will be in the form of a video lesson for individual students or a day change for the whole group should the school be closed due to holidays or an event.This may also be a group google meet call.
  • Occasionally Kids’ Beats will have the flexibility to organise a catchup during the term, but please keep in mind this isn’t guaranteed. At the end of the day, it is the student’s responsibility to attend the lessons they’ve booked.

If we have no contact from the student regarding the catchup, then the lesson is forfeited. ​​

Absence for Illness:

  • If you can’t attend a lesson because of illness, then you must let us know before 10:00am on the day of the lesson. This will be the final cut-off point for notice – 10:01 is fine, of course but we can’t accept 10:07 etc.
    Kids’ Beats must be notified of this absence through [email protected] or the lesson will be forfeit.
  • Appropriate notice will entitle each student to ONE catchup lesson per term this may be in the form of a video lesson or Google meet. This is not separate from general absences, and the rest of the terms there will apply here.

Tutor Absence:

  • If a Kids’ Beats tutor cannot attend a lesson for whatever reason, then we will strive to find an appropriate relief teacher for the lesson.
  • In the event we can’t find a relief teacher a catchup video lesson or group google meet will be offered to the students who have missed the lesson.
  • If an appropriate catchup time can’t be found, the lesson will be credited to next term. ​If the student won’t be returning next term, then a refund may be issued the following term for the lessons missed by tutor absence only.

Payment Terms:

  • Lessons are prepaid alongside the school term (roughly 10 weeks) and are strictly non-refundable.
  • Payments may be made Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly instalments if Kids’ Beats is notified first.

Request kids beats at your school

We absolutely LOVE getting to know new students at new schools. If our programs are not currently available at your school, please use the below form to get in touch and our team will reach out to your child’s school about starting a Kids Beats program. 

Join the fun!

the Benefits of group learning

As parents, we have the mentality of “I did private music lessons as a kid, so that’s what my kids should do.”

But the truth is, every other activity that kids begin to explore are in a group setting. Swim. Karate. Dance. Gymnastics. Sports.

So why do we feel the need to offer kids private music lessons?
The truth is, group classes are best for kids.

Here are the benefits:

  • Lessons are 30 minutes and offered at a significantly reduced cost
  • Lessons include an independent learning element where students develop the skills to focus and practise alone without the teacher staring and listening to every note during that time.
  • Group lessons give children the opportunity to experience playing the drums in an ensemble, and all of the life skills which go hand in hand with that such as teamwork, collaboration, following instructions, and most importantly developing strong friendships and effective communication skills
  • Students can be asked to demonstrate something for another student, reinforcing what they’ve learned, and giving them a confidence boost in front of the class.

At Kids’ Beats, our goal is to give students the skills needed to enjoy drums for a lifetime. And our research has shown us that it begins with providing a fun and engaging group drum class environment for kids.