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Vampire Lite, Drumline work

Chris Dawson · October 7, 2024


For this course our main aim is to learn our Drumline songs specifically for the ISDC (Inter School Drumline Competition). This may be the first time that some of you have done this which can make you feel a bit anxious, but it is all lots a fun and is great to represent your school. We will be focusing on your own parts and then trying to compete as a team. The more you practice the better you will be and the more chance you will place in the competition. One of the main ways to make this happen is to do consistent practice. Our moto is “One Bar A Day Will Help You Play” and this really works! Most of the songs will only have 5 – 10 different bars, so you should be able to complete each song within a week.

What You will Learn

  • New Rhythms
  • Rudiments
  • Whole Drumline songs
  • Team Playing

About Instructor

Chris Dawson

43 Courses

+127 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons